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Is It Time for a New Toothbrush?

November 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wyliefamilydentistry @ 7:50 pm
man brushing his teeth

You’ve probably picked up your toothbrush once or twice in your life to brush your teeth and suddenly become aware of its appearance for the first time in weeks. Maybe the bristles were bent out of shape, or maybe there was significant discoloration. Maybe it was then that you noted the fact that your teeth have felt a bit grittier as of late. If this has happened to you, you’re not alone, but it’s best to replace it before it gets old enough for you to notice. Your Wylie dentist shares some tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace your toothbrush and how often you should do it.


Ten Fun Facts About Teeth

November 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — wyliefamilydentistry @ 7:41 pm
woman smiling and pointing at her teeth

It might be easy to take your teeth for granted. Each day they assist you in a multitude of ways, such as talking, eating, and plenty of other activities, but did you know that they are far from ordinary? Your Wylie dentist has ten fun facts to share about your teeth that you might not know that will most likely make them more fascinating to you.
