Implants Vs. Dentures – Can Dentures Prevent Jawbone Loss?
March 22, 2021

If you’re missing at least one tooth, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans are missing parts of their smile, which is why there are various options for replacement. If you’re looking for the best solution, you probably want something that looks great, but restoring your smile is vital for more than just cosmetic reasons. Tooth loss causes jawbone deterioration, which can lead to more missing teeth and a sunken facial appearance over time. Read on to learn about your tooth replacement options and how you can preserve your jawbone.
(more…)How Can Foods and Drinks Stain Teeth?
January 29, 2021

If you are like most people, having that morning cup of coffee is a necessity. Not only does it wake you up, but it gives you the energy you need to start the day. Unfortunately, it can also leave behind stains and discoloration that can cause you to feel less confident in your appearance over time. No matter your reason for pursuing a healthier, brighter smile, you may want to rethink that cup of coffee or afternoon soda. Read on to learn how certain foods and drinks can negatively impact your smile and how teeth whitening in Wylie can bring it back to life.
(more…)Professional or Over-the-Counter Whitening: Which is Best?
January 16, 2021

Do you like the look of your smile? When staring into the mirror, are you distracted by the stains and discoloration left behind by years of coffee stains, smoking, or wear and tear? You’re not alone, which is why there are numerous companies dedicated to providing over-the-counter teeth whitening kits to help you brighten your smile. But do they work? The truth is that although they are more affordable, they produce lackluster results. Fortunately, you can skip visiting your local drug store and instead, make an appointment to see your cosmetic dentist. Read on to learn why professional teeth whitening in Wylie is a far better approach than wasting your time and money on products that don’t work.
(more…)What Should You Include in Your Dental Emergency Kit?
December 31, 2020

You may already have a first aid kit at home just in case disaster strikes, but do you have a dental emergency kit in case someone in your family has a dental problem? You never know when one may happen, so it pays to be prepared at all times. But what should you keep in your kit? An emergency dentist in Wylie lists off some important items that you should always keep stocked in your emergency kit.
(more…)Can You Die From an Infected Tooth?
December 3, 2020

If you have ever had a tooth abscess, you know just how painful they can be. However, you probably were too focused on the discomfort to think about how serious a tooth infection can get. They can actually be much more dangerous than patients typically think, especially if they aren’t being treated right away by an emergency dentist in Wylie. Continue reading to learn more about what a tooth infection is, the symptoms, and the effects one can have on the rest of the body.
(more…)Is It Time for a New Toothbrush?
November 17, 2020

You’ve probably picked up your toothbrush once or twice in your life to brush your teeth and suddenly become aware of its appearance for the first time in weeks. Maybe the bristles were bent out of shape, or maybe there was significant discoloration. Maybe it was then that you noted the fact that your teeth have felt a bit grittier as of late. If this has happened to you, you’re not alone, but it’s best to replace it before it gets old enough for you to notice. Your Wylie dentist shares some tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace your toothbrush and how often you should do it.
(more…)Ten Fun Facts About Teeth
November 11, 2020

It might be easy to take your teeth for granted. Each day they assist you in a multitude of ways, such as talking, eating, and plenty of other activities, but did you know that they are far from ordinary? Your Wylie dentist has ten fun facts to share about your teeth that you might not know that will most likely make them more fascinating to you.
(more…)A Glimpse at Your Next Dental Visit After COVID-19
May 18, 2020

From getting groceries to connecting with family, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives. Even your next dental appointment will look very different than it did before! To ensure you are as safe as possible while receiving the dental care you need, your dentist has added numerous additional infection control protocols. Read on to find out what you can expect before, during, and after your next appointment with your Wylie dentist.
(more…)How is Your Emergency Dentist Keeping You Safe During COVID-19?
March 26, 2020

Last month, most dental practices around the country followed the ADA’s recommendation of postponing all elective procedures and solely providing emergency dental care. This is in an effort to prevent local ERs from becoming more overwhelmed than they already are. In order to keep their staff and patients safe, they’re adhering to strict and thorough CDC precautionary guidelines. That way, if you need to visit their office, you can rest assured that you’ll remain healthy and safe. Read on to learn some of the key preventive measures your emergency dentist is taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
(more…)4 Oral Health Tips During the COVID-19 Crisis
March 17, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, businesses across the country are temporarily closing their doors in an effort to control the spread of the virus. One of those is your local dentist, who will only be accepting emergency patients while the shelter-in-place orders are active. If you’re diligent about visiting them for your checkups and cleanings every six months, it may be causing you some anxiety at the thought of skipping an appointment. Until they open their doors again, it’ll be up to you to care for your smile while you’re self-isolating. Read on for four oral health tips so you can stay healthy.