How Long Does It Take for a Dental Implant to Heal?
February 25, 2020

If you’re missing at least once tooth, chances are you’ve heard of or maybe even considered replacing it with dental implants. These biocompatible titanium posts are considered the gold standard of tooth replacement today. Once they’re placed, they can last for several decades, possibly even the rest of your life. But how long does it take to recover from getting implants? Let’s go over an approximate timeline of all the steps involved.
(more…)You Might Not Need an Extraction
February 13, 2020

You’ve had a toothache for a few weeks now. At first it was mild and only bothered you some of the time, but pretty soon it started to interfere with your ability to eat, sleep, and go about your daily life. You can’t even smile without intense pain shooting through your mouth. You’re starting to think that you should call your emergency dentist to get the tooth taken out. But did you know that you might not even need a tooth extraction in a situation like this? Keep reading to learn why.
(more…)Can Dental Implants Replace Front Teeth?
January 20, 2020

While missing a tooth in the front of your mouth can be cute when you’re a kid, you want to avoid it at all costs once you’re an adult. Having a gap in your smile impairs you both functionally and aesthetically. Your front teeth are the most important element of your smile, so when one part of that is missing, it’s quite noticeable. As soon as you lose your tooth, you’ll want to begin formulating a plan to replace it. One of the best ways to do so is with dental implants. But do they work to replace a front tooth? Let’s find out.
(more…)Does Keeping a Tooth in Milk Really Help?
January 10, 2020

You’re relaxing at home and enjoying a lollipop when you get to the very end of the sucker, so you decide to go ahead and bite off the last bit. Suddenly you hear a crunch that’s much louder than you think it should be. A second later, a spark of pain shoots through your mouth. You spit out what remains of the lollipop to find that a piece of your tooth has broken off! You’ve heard that you should place the pieces of a chipped tooth in milk, but is there really any truth to that? Keep reading to find out.
(more…)How You Can Keep from Getting Tooth Decay
December 20, 2019

Did you know that tooth decay is the second most common disease in the whole world, second only to the common cold? That’s right, cavities are a lot more common than you might think. One in four adults has cavities, and more than half of teenagers in the U.S. have tooth decay. You would think that since this disease is so common, that we would have developed ways to put a stop to it. The goods new is, we have! A dentist in Wylie is here to talk about tooth decay and how to prevent it.
(more…)Does Teeth Whitening Work for Everyone?
December 4, 2019

Do you feel like your smile has been lacking a little? Does something seem off about it? It might have something to do with the color of your teeth. They have recently begun to take on a yellowish hue, and you wish there was something you could do about it. You’ve tried over the counter teeth whitening solutions, but they never seem to work. Is your smile destined to suffer? Nope! Thanks to professional teeth whitening from your dentist, your grin can shine once more. Teeth whitening has helped countless people, but will it work for you? Continue reading to find out.
(more…)What 4 Factors Make a Good Candidate For Dental Implants?
November 21, 2019

Are you suffering from missing teeth and want to be sure that you choose the best restorative option that will fit with your lifestyle? Dental implants use high-quality materials and modern technology to provide patients with fantastic results. By restoring patients’ missing teeth from the roots up, they’re able to improve their quality of life and get their oral health back on track. Read on to find out whether you and dental implants are a match made in heaven, and how you can start planning your procedure.
(more…)Have You Used Your Dental Benefits Yet?
November 18, 2019

If you get dental benefits through your employer, you understand exactly how helpful they can be when it’s time for your routine checkup. Whether you need to have your teeth and gums examined for significant issues or you need to have them cleaned of any plaque or tartar, dental insurance benefits often make the whole process more affordable for you and your family. However, there are many people who don’t even think twice about their benefits until it’s already too late.
(more…)Do You Have a Dental Emergency? Here’s How to Find Out
November 14, 2019

Most people hold off on calling their emergency dentist in Wylie because they don’t want to make a big deal out of a small problem that might go away on its own. Chances are, if you’re experiencing oral discomfort or symptoms that are out-of-the-ordinary, there’s something wrong. Putting problems on the backburner usually only makes them worse, which is why it’s so important to act quickly and get treatment as soon as possible. Read on to learn how to tell if you need urgent dental treatment and what you can do to ease your pain in the meantime.
(more…)A Local Dentist Says This is Why Dental Implants are So Sturdy!
September 20, 2019

For people missing any number of teeth, a host of problems can emerge, such as the loss of bone mass, any remaining teeth shifting, an inability to chew food and a decline in confidence. With dental implant insertion, though, there is now a way to overcome these issues and achieve a natural-looking and appealing smile. For an explanation of what dental implants are composed of and what makes them so sturdy, continue reading to receive expert information from a local dentist!